2014 UCS Catalog Offers Books for Union Activists, Leaders

Friday, November 15, 2013

2014 UCS Catalog Offers Books for Union Activists, Leaders(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)The 2014 edition of the UCS Labor Books Catalog has just been released, offering scores of classic and new titles on topics ranging from negotiating and grievance handling to organizing, health and safety, labor law and labor history.  It includes many worker-friendly fiction, young adult and children’s books as well. The catalog includes many new titles for 2014.  Among them: Workplace Jokes: Only SOME of Them Will Get You Fired!;  a new edition of the Whistleblower’s Handbook;  They’re Bankrupting Us! And 20 Other Myths About Unions, and a new mystery featuring union steward and ace detective Lenny Moss. The catalog, now in its 14th year, is produced by the same labor publisher that offers Steward Update newsletter and widely-used guidebooks for union stewards and members.  The catalog includes titles from UCS and some 30 other publishers, including major labor education centers. Copies are available free from UCS at 800-321-2545; by e-mail at ucsbooks@unionist.com, or on the UCS website.  Or send your request to UCS Books, 165 Conduit St., Annapolis,  MD 21401. Books can be purchased directly from the website as well. 


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