Utility Workers Keep Occupy DC Wired

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Utility Workers Keep Occupy DC Wired(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)Recognizing the importance of digital communication, Utility Workers Union’s (UWUA) Gary Ruffner (in blue jacket, being thanked by an occupier) and Stewart Acuff brought UWUA-donated tech supplies to Occupy DC yesterday. “These allow us to keep our livestream going when we go on long actions” said Kenny, a member of the Tech crew at Occupy DC, admiring the deep cycle marine batteries UWUA brought over. In addition to tech supplies, UWUA donated a 100-cup coffee urn to keep the movement energized. Ruffner and Acuff took the coffeemaker to the Occu-Tea House tent, where occupiers inside jumped up to offer hugs of gratitude. Ruffner and Acuff were quick to respond with thanks of their own. “Thank you for what you’re all doing,” said Acuff. “Keep it up.” - report/photo by Julia Kann


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