Prison Book Drive A "Great Success"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

“Many, many thanks to all who contributed to the book drive,” says Community Services Agency Executive Director Kathleen McKirchy, who told Union City that last week, over 350 books were delivered to the Correctional Education Libraries in Maryland. “This was a great success!” adds McKirchy. The CSA helped coordinate the book drive to help overcome budget shortfalls in Maryland correctional facilities and to prepare inmates for re-entry into the community (CSA's "News You Can Use": Books Behind Bars, Union City 4/18/2011). “Many of these books will be of interest to the prisoners,” said Library Coordinator Glennor Shirley (left). “Many inmates are reading a book for the first time, so we try to encourage reading habits by providing the kind of materials that will hold their interest.” Shirley said that because 95% of prisoners will eventually return to society, “positive responses from citizens help our programs as we try to prepare inmates for successful reentry.” - photo: Glennor Shirley, Library Coordinator for Maryland Correctional Education Libraries; photo courtesy The Washington Post 


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