"Bread & Roses" Organizing Mixer Tonight

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Tonight’s casual organizing mixer – co-sponsored by Drink With Labor and Busboys & Poets – kicks off at 6P at BB&P’s 5th and K location. “Meet fellow organizers, labor activists and other progressive workers to share stories, make connections and exchange ideas over good food and drink,” say event organizers.  “Bread & Roses is a monthly labor series featuring a variety of events focused on workers and organized labor. Each month we present a new topic through interactive discussions, film screenings, performances, and so on. The hope for these events is that attendees walk away with a greater understanding of organized labor, its role in shaping history and current relevance.”  The event is free and open to the public; click here for more information.


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