Nurses Plan Mass Demonstration Tuesday

Friday, June 3, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Hundreds of registered nurses from across America will gather outside the White House, picket the US Chamber of Commerce, and rally on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, June 7 to call for a new “Main Street Contract for the American People,” reports National Nurses United. The day of action – sponsored by NNU and the Labor Campaign for Single Payer Healthcare – will propose a program for “rebuilding American communities with jobs, healthcare, education, and other urgent needs, funded through a fair tax policy targeted at those on Wall Street who created the economic crisis.” Demonstrators will gather at 11A in Lafayette Square to picket the US Chamber of Commerce (click here for map) and will then move to Upper Senate Park on Capitol Hill (click here for map) at 12:15P, where they will hear speeches from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, Senators Bernie Sanders and Barbara Boxer, Representative Dennis Kucinich and noted author John Nichols. Click here for more information.


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