In Memoriam: Joe Flynn, Tireless Activist

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

The D.C. area lost one of its most tireless fighters for social justice with the recent death of Joe Flynn (at left). Flynn, 88, has been a constant figure at demonstrations for decades, along with Rose Marie his wife of 59 years. An active member of the Gray Panthers of Metropolitan Washington for nearly 30 years, Flynn – whose day job was a government scientist -- walked countless picket lines, working for civil rights, opposing the Vietnam War, supporting farmers and the homeless and more. Flynn helped found Suburban Maryland Fair Housing in 1963, a group that still operates today for fair and low-income housing. "I know I won't be here too many years to see it all change," Joe Flynn told The Montgomery Gazette in 2003. "...I guess I'm disappointed that the world is not a better place, but I do hope things will get better slowly and that people will become more conscious." DC Jobs with Justice recognized Joe and Rosemary Flynn’s activism with the "I'll Be There Award" in 2003. - Roger Newell; photo courtesy The Montgomery Gazette


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