DC Residents To Deliver Community Benefit Agreement To Walmart Today

Thursday, April 21, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

District residents and community allies will “up the ante in the battle over Walmart’s aggressive expansion plans in the District” today by delivering a proposal to Walmart’s Washington office at 2P that calls on the retail behemoth to negotiate a written citywide agreement “to provide enforceable community benefits to District residents and small businesses,” reports the Living Wages, Healthy Communities Coalition. “Representatives of the coalition will hand-deliver an executive summary of the principles that underpin its proposed “Respect DC Agreement” with Walmart to the company’s Washington office in Chinatown.” Prior to visiting Walmart’s office, members of the coalition will speak to the media about the “serious need to hold Walmart accountable to DC residents” through an enforceable agreement before the company opens four stores in the District. Click here for more information.


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