Reader's Voice: Madison Update; No Giant Boycott; Why We Do This

Friday, April 15, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Where Are The Madison Protestors?:
“I work near the Madison Hotel and noticed that there are no longer protesters,” writes UC reader Charles. “Is this because the dispute was resolved or because the workers have become disheartened?” (Madison Workers Get Tentative Settlement, UC 4/1/2011)
No Boycott at Giant:
“I’ve heard rumors there is a labor boycott of Giant,” writes Alexander. “Any truth to that?” According to UFCW Local 400, which represents workers at Giant, there’s no boycott there.
Why We Do This: “Thanks for the stories,” wrote Korey after our 4/8 edition included reports on "Walmart’s Global Chain Of Repression," "Labor Seder Focuses On Joblessness" and "New Workers’ Rights Manual Released." “Sometimes it's good to be reminded why we do this!" - photo by Chris Garlock


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