Georgetown Dining Workers Organize

Monday, April 11, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Workers at Georgetown University’s Leo J. O'Donovan dining hall, Jesuit Residence Wolfington Hall, Cosi, Starbucks, and Dr. Mug – all run by Aramark -- have joined UNITE HERE. “We have a voice and we want to be heard,” said Cathy Anderson. “Now, we must stick together to push ahead and achieve everything we are fighting for,” added Rafael Benitez. “Things like better treatment, affordable medical insurance, and fair raises for the hard work that we do.” After Aramark recognized the union on April 6, students and workers met to discuss the victory and first contract negotiations. The workers’ organizing effort was supported by Georgetown students and student organizations, including the College Democrats, NAACP, Eco-Action, Solidarity Committee and MEChA. School faculty members and the administration also backed the workers, including a letter from members of the Georgetown administration to Aramark’s CEO in February, reminding the company of Georgetown's Catholic and Jesuit mission to support both human dignity in work and respect for workers' rights as well as the school’s Just Employment Policy. - photo: inside the Leo J. O'Donovan dining hall; photo by Rafael Suanes


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