Will Facebook Replace Labor Unions?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

“Like record stores and time-bound television, the labor union as an organizing device has outlived its usefulness,” writes Tom Hayes in a recent Huffington Post article. “People simply don't need intermediaries to organize them into groups anymore.” Find out what social media can -- and can't – do at Tweet This, the Metro Council’s March 25 free workshop on how local unions can use social and online media. Hayes says while the “hidebound institution of the union will become less relevant - organized labor as a force will become more powerful in years to come” as the nexus of the Internet and ubiquitous mobile communications makes collective action easier and more imperative than ever. “So, before corporate chieftains cheer the demise of the public employees union in Wisconsin - or organized labor in general, take notice of the gathering clouds. The conditions are now ideal for the workers of the world to link up, sync up and meet up.” Click here to read the full story on the Huffington Post’s website.


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