Rockin' Out At Evening With Labor

Monday, March 14, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Long before the last notes of Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley’s impromptu a capella rendition of “Joe Hill” faded away, the more than 900 labor activists crowded into the Omni Shoreham’s ballroom knew they’d just attended one of the most memorable Evening with Labor dinners in the 34-year history of the event. AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker got things off to a fiery start, suggesting that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker receive the “Organizer of the Year” award “for mobilizing labor as we haven’t been mobilized in years and putting worker rights on front pages across the country” and promising that the battle to protect those rights would “put the movement back in the labor movement.” The Washington Hospital Center nurses brought the cheering crowd to their feet when they chanted “We are the nurses, the mighty mighty nurses” as they trooped to the stage (above left) to collect their well-deserved Golden Picket Award for creative actions in their ongoing battle for a contract. And Trade Unionist of the Year Jackie Jeter (right) received a standing ovation as well, as the ATU 689 President, clearly moved by the recognition, insisted that “You could have chosen anyone here tonight for this award; you all work so hard every day.” AFSCME Council 26 Executive Director Carl Goldman credited “The great organizing committee at the Capitol Visitor’s Center” for winning the coveted Organizing Award, DC COPE Winner Carl Carson (Cement Masons 891) urged everyone to get involved in local political action and NOVA Labor President Dan Duncan accepted the Community Services Award on behalf of winner Stan Gordon, who was unable to attend. But it was O’Malley (left) who truly brought the house down, when, after noting that “Here in Maryland, we don’t fight our public employee unions, we work with them,” he suddenly launched into a full-throated a capella rendition of the last few stirring stanzas of “Joe Hill” that at first stunned the assembled labor leaders and activists and then sent them surging to their feet in thunderous applause as O’Malley wrapped up the song with his fist thrust in the air and Metro Council President Jos Williams enveloped him in a bear hug of solidarity. DC Mayor Vince Gray, wisely declining to attempt to top O’Malley’s performance, contented himself with a promise that “We’re going to restore the Labor Management Council” that doubtless pleased AFSCME Council 20’s Geo T. Johnson, who had been surprised earlier in the evening when he was presented with a special award as lead contract negotiator by grateful city employees. The memorable evening concluded with a jammed dance floor as The Ultimate Big Band cut loose with a string of classic hits -- led off of course as always by Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (right) leading The Electric Slide -- that kept folks dancing until 11 without a break and even featured an appearance by Musicians 161-710 President John Cusick. In addition to the streamlined and exciting program, many attendees credited dinner organizer Kathleen McKirchy's redesign of the room – with the stage in front along the longer wall so that all the tables were closer to the front – with contributing to an intimate, inspiring and lively 34th annual Evening with Labor.
- Chris Garlock; photos by Bill Burke/Page One


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