Helping TSOs Form A Union

Thursday, March 10, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

On the heels of the battle for collective bargaining rights for public workers in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, and elsewhere, 44,000 Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) now have a chance to vote on whether or not to form a union. “AFGE has stuck with these dedicated employees since 2002,” said AFGE President John Gage (at right) as he greeted TSOs yesterday at Baltimore-Washington International airport. “It’s gratifying that - with so many pressures on public employee unions across the country - here we are moving towards the largest union organizing election in years with 44, 000 people,” Gage told Union City. “I’m very enthusiastic about the benefits of their first contract; there’s so many frustrations that they suffer that I feel we have the talent and expertise to not only alleviate a lot of those frustrations but make the sky safer and provide even more security. We’re very optimistic about winning and bringing them into the house of labor.” The TSOs will be voting over the next couple of weeks and local activists are urged to help reach out to let them know about the benefits of joining the broader labor movement represented by AFL-CIO-affiliated AFGE, the largest union for federal workers. “Solidarity is more important than ever,” says Metro Council President Jos Williams. “You can make a difference by letting TSOs know you’re a union member and you look forward to them joining the labor movement to build power for workers.” Shifts are available at all three area airports and the best time are during shift changes from 11A-2P or 6P-9P; to sign up or get more information, contact Kevin Byrne at the AFL-CIO at 202-639-6232 or Click here to read more about the election.
- photo by Adam Wright 


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