Women, Workers & Walmart Tonight At Busboys & Poets

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

In honor of Women’s History Month, Busboys and Poets is hosting a panel discussion at 6P tonight highlighting women in the workplace, and addressing the potential local impact of Walmart's move to DC. “The hope for this discussion is that attendees walk away with a greater understanding of the unique challenges working women face, not only at Walmart, but in general, and what steps can be taken to close the gaps in wages, opportunities and treatment on the job,” say event organizers. Featured speakers include author Barbara Ehrenreich and UFCW's Bethanie Pointer. The discussion – which is part of Busboys and Poets new Labor Series featuring events that focus on issues that affect workers, with a specific focus on the American Labor Movement – is free and open to the public. The discussion will begin with an update from Wisconsin by Kerry Korpi, AFSCME Director of Research & Collective Bargaining. Click here for details.


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