Chamber Picketed As Obama Visits

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Chanting “1-2-3-4, Chamber of Commerce makes us poor” and “Hey hey ho ho, union-busting’s got to go!” some two dozen protesters – organized and led by National Nurses United – picketed outside Chamber of Commerce headquarters in downtown DC Monday morning as President Obama walked across the street to address the Chamber. “We voted for you, not for them!” hollered one protester. “Working people will not be deceived,” said NNU’s Donna Smith. “The Chamber of Commerce encourages employers to roll back rights and living standards for working people. It promotes the outsourcing of U.S. jobs, and spends hundreds of millions of dollars at home to influence Congress to achieve tax breaks for big business and block reforms for working people.” - report/photo by Chris Garlock


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