Maryland State Workers Ratify Contract

Thursday, February 3, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Calling it a “clean sweep,” more than 89% of Maryland state employees recently voted “yes” to ratify their contract, reports AFSCME Maryland. "This is a clean sweep of every bargaining unit by huge margins,” said Department of Health and Mental Hygiene employee Moe Said. “This is a great day for state employees and a great contract in tough economic times." AFSCME Maryland says that the contract will eliminate furloughs, provide workers with a $750 bonus on top of pay raises, and that workers will have “increased resources to win future fights” and more. “This sends a powerful message that we are united and deserve respect for the vital public services we provide that make Maryland happen,” said AFSCME Maryland Executive Director Patrick Moran. “This contract gives employees the respect they deserve. Now we have greater resources to win coming fights in the legislature, such as defeating unfair efforts to slash hard earned pensions and much more." – adapted from a report on AFSCME Maryland’s website 


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