Working Sick In DC

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

When bartender Woong Chang came down with the swine flu, he kept on pouring drinks. Not because he wanted to expose hundreds of customers to the dangerous virus, but because the 28-year-old worker had no sick leave and needed the paycheck to stay out of debt. According to the Restaurant Opportunities Center of DC, Woong's story is not unique: fully 79% of area restaurant workers lack paid sick days, just one of the issues explored in ROC-DC’s forthcoming report, "BEHIND THE KITCHEN DOOR: Inequality & Opportunity in Washington, DC’s Thriving Restaurant Industry," ROC-DC’s comprehensive survey of workers in DC’s restaurant industry. When Chang – who has no union -- finally succumbed to illness and ended up completely off his feet for three weeks, he lost his job and had to start all over. ROC-DC releases the report Monday, Feb. 14 at 8:30A at Eatonville Restaurant. Click here for event details and to RSVP. - by Teddy Miller; photo courtesy CBS


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