AFGE Circulates Petition Against Attacks On Federal Workers

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Calling attacks on federal workers' wages and benefits “cheap, cynical political theater," AFGE is planning a Day of Action on Capitol Hill next week and urging support for an electronic petition that will be presented to Congress. "Federal employees' pay and benefits are only a fraction of the federal budget,” points out AFGE President John Gage. “Trillion dollar deficits don't go away by attacking their compensation package. Plus, cutting wages, benefits and jobs in the throes of a severe economic recession will only make matters worse. It fuels a 'race to the bottom' that will further destroy the middle class." The real problem is the lack of jobs and stagnant wages, says AFGE. “Our country needs a comprehensive plan to create good jobs with good wages to get our economy moving again,” the union says. “A growing economy eliminates problems with deficits.”


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