Labor On The Move: Castel-Branco Heads to Durban

Monday, January 31, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Fellow activists gathered Friday to send off Jobs with Justice DC organizer Ruth Castel-Branco (at left), who's heading to Durban, South Africa to work with the Center for Civil Society -- a project of the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal -- on a one-year research masters focused on the recent passage of a Domestic Worker Bill of Rights in her home country of Mozambique. Among those paying tribute to Castel-Branco's inspiring work were ironworkers whose organizing campaign she's been closely involved with. "The last three years have taught me about injustice, and the incredible power of people to win justice, when we stand together and take collective action," Castel-Branco said. "Thank you for offering me the opportunity to be part of the DC JwJ family." Castel-Branco plans to file reports for Union City on the labor scene in South Africa. - photo by Chris Garlock


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