Food And Commercial Workers Join BlueGreen Alliance

Monday, January 31, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

The United Food and Commercial Workers has become the latest large union to formally join a broad union coalition with environmental groups, the BlueGreen Alliance. "From farm to dinner table, we must have a food supply chain that benefits consumers, improves public health, improves the environment, and creates good jobs at living wages," UFCW President Joe Hansen explained.  His union represents 1.3 million workers, with thousands of them in food processing plants and grocery stores. "The BlueGreen Alliance is leading the way to a green economy, and UFCW is proud to be on board,” Hansen added. BlueGreen Alliance Executive Director David Foster – a former Steelworkers vice president – said the nation “cannot build this green economy — one that creates good jobs and protects public health — without creating a stronger, greener food and retail supply chain, and we are excited to get to work with the UFCW to make it happen." - Press Associates, Inc.


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