CSA's "News You Can Use": Help For Striking Or Furloughed Workers

Thursday, January 27, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Workers facing financial difficulty due to strike or furlough may be eligible for two new grants from Union Plus. The Union Plus Job Loss Grant has also been expanded to help even more members. Union Plus Credit Card holders who are on strike or locked out for 30 or more consecutive days may apply for a $250 payment made directly to their credit card accounts under the new Union Plus Strike Grant. Union members or their spouses who have been furloughed from their jobs for 15 days or more within a six-month period can receive a one-time $250 payment made directly to their Union Plus Credit Card with the new Union Plus Furlough Grant. Also, the time to apply for a $250 Job Loss Grant has been expanded from six months to 12 months to allow members more time to learn of the grant and apply for it. “These grants are part of the Union SAFE program from Union Plus that has provided some $5 million to assist eligible union members facing hardships due to layoffs, hospital costs, disability, mortgage payment problems and high college costs,” says Union Plus. “Through these new and expanded programs, Union Plus will help even more union families.” Click here for more information.


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