Ward 4 Residents Mobilize Against Walmart

Thursday, January 13, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Saying that hundreds of residents in Ward 4 are opposed to the planned construction of a Walmart in their neighborhood, Ward 4 Thrives – a recently formed community group – is seeking volunteers to canvass the neighborhood this weekend to “gather support for their campaign to bring something better to Ward 4,” reports Mike Wilson. After canvassing last weekend, members of Ward 4 Thrives say they found “hundreds of residents opposed to the Walmart” that has been proposed for the old Curtis Chevrolet location at Georgia and Missouri. “In addition to concerns about the traffic nightmare a Walmart will cause at that intersection and for the surrounding area, residents are also concerned about how Walmart’s anti-worker policies will affect their city and neighborhood,” Wilson adds. Meanwhile, asked recently about Walmart’s push to open four stores in the District, new DC Mayor Vincent Gray told Mark Plotkin on WTOP's "Politics Program" that “My view is they first have to put on the table that they will pay competitive wages. This could yield 800-1,200 jobs. Some communities have been very resistant to Walmart coming in. We think $12 and up with benefits is fair.” Click here now to volunteer this weekend or click here to learn more about Ward 4 Thrives.


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