Electrical Worker Gravesite Added To Labor Map

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

National Brotherhood of Electrical Workers founder Henry Miller’s grave in NE Washington’s Glenwood Cemetery has just been added to the online DC Labor Map. Miller was a local lineman who, as President of the AFL’s Electrical Wiremen and Linemen's Union, No. 5221 traveled the country spreading the word about the benefits of unionization, chartering locals in Chicago, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, New Orleans, Toledo, Pittsburgh, New York and other cities. The National Brotherhood of Electrical Workers – which later became the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) was founded on November 21, 1891 by 10 delegates representing 286 members, meeting in a small room above Stolley's Dance Hall in a poor section of St. Louis. Miller died on July 10, 1896, when an electric shock caused him to fall from a pole in Northeast Washington, DC. Click here for a longer version of this bio on the IBEW website. – photo: IBEW President Ed Hill and Secretary-Treasurer Jerry O'Connor place flowers on Henry Miller's grave; photo courtesy IBEW


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