Rally Set To Expose Corruption At Chamber Of Commerce

Thursday, December 9, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Local activists will rally in Lafayette Square at 11:30A today to mark the United Nations International Anti-Corruption Day and “expose the US Chamber of Commerce.” Event organizers charge that over the past year the UC Chamber of Commerce has “disguised foreign money used to buy influence in US elections, has opposed laws to identify owners of US companies engaged in illegal acts and has sought to water down the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.” Featured speakers include the Hon. Bob Edgar (President, Common Cause), Robert Weissman (Executive Director, Public Citizen), Erich Pica (President, Friends of the Earth) and Christy Setzer (US Chamber Watch). Contact Brent Blackwelder at brentblackwelder@yahoo.com or 202-966-3451 for more information.


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