AFSCME Fights Back With "Stop The Lies" Campaign

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

“At a time when public services are under attack from right wing politicians and political talking heads, AFSCME is fighting back with ‘Stop the Lies,’ an aggressive campaign that will expose right wing lies by using social media, videos, paid advertising and ground events across the country,” reports AFSCME Council 67. AFSCME President Gerald McEntee announced the launch of the campaign last week with the release of a Brave New Films video that contrasts the lies of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, John Stossel and others with facts and testimonials from AFSCME members. “Public service workers have become the scapegoats for the far right,” said McEntee. “We’re not going to sit around and let corporate CEO’s define the debate. After all, it was their greed and incompetence that drove this country’s economy into the ditch.” In addition to videos, AFSCME’s ‘Stop the Lies’ campaign will include advertising in national and local media, online actions, and ground actions in state capitals across the country. Click here to read the full story on AFSCME Council 67’s website.  


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