Unemployment Caroling Returns

Friday, December 3, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

"Unemployment caroling," popular during the last Great Depression, is back. Local activists, detecting a lack of the holiday spirit in Congress, which this week cut off unemployment benefits to millions of jobless while considering extending tax cuts for the rich, will gather in front of the White House Sunday at 2p to "sing songs about unemployment insurance, the need for jobs, and a progressive tax system to the tunes of Christmas and Hannukah songs," reports Rabbi Elizabeth Richman, who's helping organize the caroling with other members of Jews United for Justice. "A friend told me this was something people did during the Depression and she's reviving the custom for these tough times," Richman told Union City. The carolers will also try visiting the offices of members of Congress and the DC City Council to share their message. If you're interested in attending, have press contacts, want to write songs for the protest, or know of groups that may want to be involved, contact amandagitel@gmail.com


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