Community Questions Wal-Mart's DC Plans

Friday, November 19, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Community, religious and labor activists reacted warily to Wednesday's announcement that big-box retailer Wal-Mart plans to open four stores in the District. "Wal-Mart has a proven track record of wage fraud, job discrimination, worker abuse, and demanding large government handouts," said Rev. Dr. Jarvis Johnson of New Prospect Family Life Center. Wal-Mart’s promises of 1,200 jobs were also viewed skeptically by veteran DC community organizations who have come together in a "Living Wages, Healthy Communities" campaign. "If Wal-Mart creates jobs, but then closes down other businesses and grocery stores, we need to ask ourselves if that’s really a net gain," said DC Jobs with Justice's Mackenzie Baris. “Low-wage jobs also have their own cost - if workers are paid so little that they qualify for the DC Healthcare Alliance, food stamps, and housing vouchers, then are those really the kinds of jobs we want?" The campaign is "working to bring together concerned community members to ensure that new Wal-Mart stores benefit our district by meeting certain standards developed by the community," such as full-time, living wage jobs with benefits, local hires with a funded training program, community input in planning and design and other concerns, such as ensuring that Wal-Mart "pay its fair share of taxes." "We must stand together with one voice until the common denominator is livable wages, adequate health care, and equal treatment regardless of one's race, gender, or creed," added Johnson. Click here for more coverage in The Washington Post. - photo: charging that retail giant Wal-Mart is costing the community millions of dollars in unpaid taxes, local union members and community supporters distributed pamphlets to downtown Metro commuters on April 14, 2010 highlighting how the mega-retailer dodges taxes; photo by Chris Garlock 


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