Farmworkers Protest "Modern-Day Slavery"

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Almost 50 farmworkers’ rights activists and community allies rallied outside the Columbia Heights Giant supermarket during rush-hour last night, brandishing signs that read “1¢ more per pound!” and chanting “Exploitation ain’t the way, farmworkers deserve fair pay!” Damara Luce – a representative from Just Harvest USA - told Union City that Florida farmworkers who pick the fresh produce sold at Giant are subjected to “stagnant, sub-poverty wages” and that they are denied fundamental labor rights. “These workers are paid roughly the same piece rate – about 50¢ per 32 pounds – as they were 30 years ago,” said Luce. “They have no right to overtime pay, no health insurance, sick leave, paid vacation or pension, and in the most extreme situations workers are forced to labor against their will through the use or threat of physical violence. It’s modern-day slavery.” The demonstration centered around Giant’s parent company, Ahold, which is yet to sign a “Fair Food” agreement with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) pledging to reform farm labor conditions in their supply chain. “Giant should treat all of its workers fairly,” Wendy Weiner - UFCW 400’s Director of Growth Strategy – told Union City. “Slavery in the 21st century is outrageous!” Prior to the rally, demonstrators delivered a letter to the store manager urging improved wages and working conditions for farmworkers. Click here to tell Ahold executives, “It's time to help end Florida's harvest of shame!”
- story/photo by Adam Wright 


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