Union Plus Scholarship Applications Now Available

Monday, November 15, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

“Applications are available for the 2011 Union Plus Scholarship Program, which provides $150,000 in scholarships to union members, their spouses and dependants,” reports Union Plus. “Since 1992, the Union Plus Scholarship program has provided more than $2.8 million to help fulfill the educational dreams of students across the nation.” In addition to demonstrating academic ability, applicants are required to submit essays of no more than 500 words describing their career goals, detailing their relationship with the union movement and explaining why they are deserving of a union scholarship. Individuals must be accepted into an accredited college or university, community college or recognized technical or trade school at the time the award is issued; graduate school students are also eligible. Click here to download an application, or send a postcard with your name, return address, telephone number and international union name to: Union Plus Education Foundation, c/o Union Privilege, P.O. Box 34800, Washington, DC 20043-4800. The application deadline is January 31, 2011.


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