Ashland Nursing & Rehabilitation Workers Join UFCW 400

Monday, November 15, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

On November 2, over 60 “certified nursing aides, restorative aides, activity aides and maintenance employees of the Ashland Nursing and Rehabilitation Center took their first step towards a fair and equal workplace,” reports UFCW Local 400. “It all started this past winter when Certified Nursing Aides (CNA’s) from the Ashland Nursing and Rehabilitation Center were ordered to stay put during a winter storm. They could not return home to children, had to sleep on the floor and eat out of snack machines. Later in the year, six African American CNA’s and LPN’s were strip-searched and harassed by their supervisors. After meeting with Virginia State NAACP officials, a union organizing campaign emerged.” Marcia Walker – a CNA and member of the bargaining committee – said, “I was very happy with the way the election turned out.” She added, “[We are one step closer towards] job security we did not have before and a contract that will treat everyone the same.” Election observer for the union Crystal Holland said, “The fight for union representation was long, hard and challenging…but now we have someone to back us up. I look forward to a more fair and balanced workplace for employees.” – story/photo adapted from a report on UFCW 400’s website


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