2010 Catalog Offers Books For Union Activists, Leaders

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

A new, 56-page catalog of books for union members, activists and leaders is being offered by Union Communication Services. The 2010 edition of the UCS Labor Books Catalog includes scores of classic and new titles on topics ranging from negotiating and grievance handling to organizing, health and safety, labor law and labor history. It includes many worker-friendly fiction and young adult and children's books as well. New titles for 2010 include two UCS exclusives,  "Union Strategies for Hard Times: Helping Your Members and Building Your Union in the Great Recession," and "Contract Costing for Union Negotiators," which comes complete with a CD containing template spreadsheets.  Other new books include the best-ever biographies of Eugene V. Debs and Woody Guthrie, some great new childrens' titles, and a lot more. The catalog, now in its 12th year, is produced by the same labor publisher that offers Steward Update newsletter and widely-used guidebooks for union stewards and members.  The catalog includes titles from UCS and some 30 other publishers, including the AFL-CIO National Labor College and other major labor education centers. Copies are available free from UCS at 800-321-2545; by e-mail at ucsbooks@unionist.com, or on the web.


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