Lorne Bair Rare Books Donates Council History

Monday, November 8, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

The Metro Council recently acquired a rare copy of the Illustrated History of the Washington Central Labor Union, thanks to a generous donation from Lorne Bair Rare Books. Published in 1900, the history is in excellent condition and includes a wealth of fascinating information, from histories of what was then known as The District of Columbia Central Labor Union and many of its affiliates -- from the Bookbinders to the Retail Clerks and Pattern Makers’ League -- to historical sketches of Washington and documents like the U.S. Constitution and the now-famous Sam Gompers essay “What Does Labor Want?” The 439-page 110-year-old tome also includes biographical sketches and portraits of the local labor leaders of the day, including CLU President Henry Szegedy and other leaders of Council affiliates, as well as sections on “The Origin of Horseshoes,” “Where Colors Come From” and “How to Split a Grindstone.” “This is a tremendously important historical document and resource,” said Metro Council President Jos Williams, “and we’re deeply grateful to Lorne Bair (r) for donating it to the Metro Council, which proudly carries on the legacy of the CLU after all these years.” The Winchester, VA-based bookseller specializes in “fine books and printed ephemera relating to all aspects of American Social History,” with a special emphasis on labor history, the radical movements of the 19th & 20th century, and the literature of the Left. - photo by Jon Garlock


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