Political Action Hot Topic At October Council Meeting

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

With the mid-term elections just two weeks away, political action dominated the agenda at Monday’s Metro Council Executive Board and delegate meetings. Labor is in the field and on the phones throughout the metro Washington area, supporting candidates who back working men and women. The Council also finalized its 2010 endorsements; click here for a downloadable PDF list of labor-endorsed candidates. While turnout for the local labor walks was up last weekend, “we need to double that this Saturday,” reported COPE Legislative and Political Coordinator Rick Powell, “we’ve still got a lot of union voters to reach before Election Day.” There are labor walks this Saturday morning in Montgomery, Prince George’s, Calvert and Charles counties, as well in Northern Virginia; followed by a 1P MD/DC AFL-CIO Political Rally With Governor O'Malley. CLICK HERE for the latest local labor political calendar, including daily walks & phone banks! The Council also approved a resolution on DC tax reform noting that “Because a cuts-only approach would be devastating to DC residents, the Mayor and Council should include significant increases in revenue, through progressive tax increases that fall on those most able to pay, if that is needed to balance the budget without cutting services.” Also discussed was the ambulance ballot initiative in Montgomery County. Watch Union City for details on both these issues, as well as a more detailed report on Monday’s Council meetings. - photo: Ed Lazere of the DC Fiscal Policy Institute, discusses the need for a balanced approach to the city's budget; photo by Adam Wright


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