CSA's "News You Can Use": Deadline Looms for Stop-Loss Retro Pay

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

More than 100,000 eligible veterans, active duty, guard, and reserve troops haven’t claimed $324 million in retroactive pay they’re owed. The deadline to apply for this retroactive pay is October 21, and all eligible service members -- which may include area union members or their family members -- can apply for the retroactive pay by submitting an application. After 9/11, thousands of troops were involuntarily kept on duty in the “Stop Loss” program; last June, legislation was passed setting aside $534 million in retroactive pay for these stop-lossed service members, who are now eligible to receive $500 per month for their involuntary service. Thanks to AFGE’s Thomas Webb for this tip. - Dan Duncan


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