Labor On The Move: APALA's Uno Moves to DOL, Allan In As Interim Deputy Director

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA) Executive Director Malcolm Amado Uno (r) joined the Department of Labor as a Special Assistant to the Secretary with the Office of Public Engagement on Monday. "As a product of APALA and the labor movement, I always considered it a privilege to work in this capacity to advance worker, immigrant and civil rights," said Uno. "In my new capacity, it is my hope to increase access to the Department of Labor for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and all low-wage workers, to ensure that the federal government is meeting their obligation to improve working conditions for all workers and assure that workers' rights are respected and protected." Gregory Allan Cendana, former President of the United States Student Association, has taken over as Interim Deputy Director at APALA; reach him at 202-508-3733 or


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