Local Unions Sponsor Weekday Walks For O'Malley

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

With less than a month to go before Election Day, labor is ramping up its door-to-door efforts for Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley (center) in Prince George's County. Local unions are now sponsoring weekday labor-to-labor walks, including UFCW Local 400, which has been turning out dozens of its members Thursday and Friday evenings over the past few weeks.  "We're making sure that there's a strong union vote on November 2," Tony Perez (at left), Local 400's Government Affairs Coordinator. "If all the unions in Prince George's County follow suit, Bob Ehrlich won't stand a chance," adds Metro Council Assistant Political Coordinator Alya Solomon. CLICK HERE for the latest listing of political activities in the area. - photo by Adam Wright


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