MCGEO, Others Blister Plan To "Forgive" $450,000 In Taxes For Lockheed Martin

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

The Montgomery County Council withdrew a proposal to “forgive” some $450,000 in taxes for Lockheed Martin after a parade of eight witnesses, including Local 1994 MCGEO President Gino Renne, bashed the idea as corporate welfare in a Council hearing on September 21st. “Shame on those who brought this bill to the Council. Shame on those who would vote for it,” Renne told Council President Nancy Floreen in the hearing. Supporters of the measure, including County Executive Ike Leggett, expressed concern for the County’s “business environment,” but Renne asked “where is your concern for the County’s residents—small businesses, working families, school children, senior citizens and your own employees?” Click here for the complete report.


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