One Nation Demo Updates

Thursday, September 30, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Two more labor-sponsored events have been added to the growing list of labor activities as part of Saturday’s One Nation Working Together march on Washington, where thousands of people from across America will rally on the National Mall to “build a more united country with good jobs, equal justice, and quality public education for all.” The DC Metro Social Forum is hosting a feeder march - beginning at 10A at the corner of 14th Street NW & Constitution Avenue NW - to the rally “so there will be a space and presence devoted to DC at what will be one of the largest progressive rallies DC has seen in a while,” reports DC Jobs with Justice. Additionally, immigration rights activists – sponsored by SEIU Local 32BJ and the AFL-CIO – will rally at the West Steps of the US Capitol at 10A and will then march down Constitution Avenue to the National Mall. Union members not participating in pre-event activities are encouraged to meet at the Sylvan Theater near the Washington Monument to receive rally materials from your respective unions. Click here for the latest central listing of One Nation Working Together labor events; email to notify us of other labor-sponsored activities!


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