"Restore Our Hours!" Demand NASW Staff

Monday, September 27, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

More than a dozen social workers, researchers and office staff rallied outside the National Association of Social Workers in the District’s northeast at noon on Friday, chanting “NASW – Restore Our Hours” and waving signs that read “80% Salary Doesn’t Pay 100% Of The Bills!” The workers – represented by the Washington Baltimore Newspaper Guild (TNG-CWA 32035) – charge that NASW management have drastically slashed working hours and benefits and are forcing the employees to “absorb the costs of the NASW’s fiscal mismanagement,” said one worker who spoke on condition of anonymity. “We are facing a massive cutback in hours and salary,” added the worker, “A third of my colleagues have been forced to accept working a four-day workweek, effectively losing 20 percent of their income and have no guarantee that their hours will be restored!” Guild Representative Rick Ehrmann told Union City that the employees have been working without a contract since June 30 and are “having a hard time” negotiating with management. “We are asking for equity, an open dialogue and to be included in the decision-making processes on issues that affect our work,” said Unit Chair Dawan Jones. “More than a dozen grievances have been filed in the past year and there have been two cases of wrongful termination, but rather than admitting guilt, NASW management has spent thousands of dollars fighting these cases in arbitration. We are concerned about the direction that the NASW is heading and refuse to let management balance their budget on our backs.” – report/photo by Adam Wright 


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