Free College Planning Workshop For Union Families

Monday, September 20, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Do you -- or your members -- have questions and concerns about preparing for and getting into college?  As part of the launch to the new Union Plus College Prep Program, Union Plus is sponsoring a free workshop for union members, staff and their families in the Washington, DC area. Roadmap to College is set for Tuesday, October 5 from 5:39-7:30P at CWA headquarters in downtown DC. Designed for parents and students, the workshop covers a variety of admissions and testing topics, including the right timeline for high school students to take college entrance exams, the difference between the SAT and the ACT, whether a better test score means a better scholarship or better financial aid package, what's covered in a typical college test preparation course and common misconceptions about getting into college. The free workshop will also include information on The Princeton's Review's upcoming SAT/ACT courses in the DC metro area and how you can save on these courses with your Union Plus college prep discount program. To register, click here, enter zip 20001 and select the SAT Roadmap to College Event. You can also click here to learn more about the Union Plus college prep discounts.


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