The Brown Difference

Thursday, September 9, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Labor is helping get the word out that the 'Michael Brown' whose name is on the DC primary ballot is not the same Michael Brown who is already an At-Large Councilmember. DC Mayoral Candidate Vince Gray and Councilmember Michael A. Brown have "enthusiastically" endorsed At-Large Councilmember Phil Mendelson - who has also been endorsed by the Metro Washington Council, AFL-CIO - for re-election to the DC City Council. "Phil has been a rock-solid friend of DC's working men and women and a key ally on the Council," said Metro Washington Council President Jos Williams. "He absolutely deserves your vote and we hope you'll show your support on Primary Day." Click here for the Metro Council's online Political Action page, where you can quickly locate information on voter registration, early voting, polling places, and a downloadable list of labor-endorsed candidates, formatted for easy distribution. Email to register to volunteer for labor's get-out-the-vote efforts.
- photo: while canvassing in Ward 5 yesterday, DC COPE Chair Fred Allen is seen reviewing labor literature with union volunteers emphasizing the confusion over Michael Brown’s name on the ballot; photo by Chris Garlock


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