Local Concrete Workers Demand Dignity, Respect

Friday, August 27, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

More than 100 concrete workers and community allies descended on the Consolidated Forensic Laboratory construction site at 6th Street, SW yesterday morning, protesting contractor Southland Concrete’s “unsafe practices, unfair layoffs and poor working conditions.” The workers are organizing with the United Construction Workers (UCW) union, but allege that they have been fired, intimidated and harassed by Southland Concrete for their pro-union activity. “Southland fired me for wanting to join a union and have a voice on the job,” said Misael Rivera (r), a construction worker with over 18 years experience. “They are trying to stop me from speaking out about the daily abuse, poor pay and horrible working conditions – they even offered me double my old salary if I promised to stop organizing.” At-Large DC Councilmember Phil Mendelson – who is up for re-election in the September 14 primary, and is expected to be at Saturday's labor-to-labor walk – told Union City, “I’m out here today to show my support for these workers who have the right to organize and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.” The protestors rallied for over an hour, shaking rattle-cans and waving signs that read, “We are not disposable” and “United for a better future!” Rivera added, “The only solution to our problem is to stand united together and organize to end these injustices- we refuse to be intimidated any longer!” Click here to watch video footage of the protest on YouTube – report/photo by Adam Wright


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