Women "Talk Union" Across Generations

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Ten recommendations about what unions can do to attract and retain a new generation of young workers, especially women, have been released in a recent report by the Berger-Marks Foundation. The recommendations range from adopting term limits for elective union offices to creating 'safe spaces' for women and younger activists so they could discuss their concerns. Addressed as well was the eradication of sexual harassment and implementation of training programs where young workers can learn how to 'talk union' with their peers. The recommendations were compiled by a group of 30 women –half the participants under age 35 -- from around the country from more than 20 different unions and other allied organizations, including the National Organization for Women. The Berger-Marks Foundation “seeks to bring the benefits of unionization to working women and to assist organizations committed to those principles.” Click here to download a free copy of the full report.


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