Labor Rises To Support Gray Mayoral Effort

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

"This mayor has been a divider," said Vince Gray, "but tonight he's united us to throw him out of here!" Cheers erupted from the crowd of labor supporters gathered atop the downtown DC IBEW headquarters at last night's Labor for Gray fundraiser and reception. "I don't even think we've had a mayor in the District of Columbia," said IBEW Local 26 Business Manager Chuck Graham, welcoming the crowd on behalf of IBEW President Ed Hill. "Just 49 days until we liberate the nation's capital," vowed Metro Council President Jos Williams. ""Labor and its allies are on the march!" Gray excoriated Mayor Fenty for his "disrespect for the city's working people" and promised "not just an open door for labor but I'll come to you if it's more convenient." Added Councilman Phil Mendelson, "We desperately need a change and I support Vince because he gets it." Gray also pledged that "my first act will be to re-establish the Labor Management Partnership Council," the innovative and nationally-recognized forum that hasn't met since Fenty took office and was a way for public sector labor and management to come together to perform more efficiently, save taxpayer dollars, and boost morale of public sector workers. The Metro Council organized the fundraiser, which was hosted by the IBEW and catered by Avalon, an HERE 25-represented fully unionized top-flight catering firm. An album of downloadable reception photos is available online (click below) and the full schedule of labor-to-labor Gray activities will be posted on the Council's calendar.
- story/photos by Chris Garlock

Labor for Vince Gray Reception/Fundraiser


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