Labor For Gray Fundraiser Tomorrow

Monday, July 26, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

“I implore unions and members of the labor community to help support labor-endorsed candidate for Mayor, Vince Gray (l), at a reception and fundraiser tomorrow night,” says Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO President Jos Williams. “Throughout his career, Vince has demonstrated that he is a working families leader. He is sensitive to the needs of workers, both with respect to the creation of good jobs, and to the importance of training and sustainability of those jobs.” Make checks payable to "Vince Gray for Mayor" and bring them to the reception; maximum contribution is $2,000 per local, international or individual. Please RSVP to Alya Solomon: If you cannot attend, send your checks to the Metro Washington Council, AFL-CIO: 888 16th Street NW, Suite 520, Washington, DC 20006. – photo: Vince Gray speaking at the 2010 Evening With Labor awards; photo by Bill Burke/Page One


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