Labor For Gray Fundraiser Next Week

Friday, July 23, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Local unions are encouraged to show their support for labor-endorsed candidate for Mayor of the District of Columbia, Vince Gray, at a reception and fundraiser next Tuesday, July 27. “I strongly urge you to help support Vince's campaign by attending this event,” says Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO President Jos Williams. “Vince is a leader of, by and for the people, and his broad vision and deep community roots are just what the District needs to come together around a common agenda.” Make checks payable to "Vince Gray for Mayor" and bring them to the reception; maximum contribution is $2,000 per local, international or individual. Please RSVP to Alya Solomon: If you cannot attend, send your checks to the Metro Washington Council, AFL-CIO: 888 16th Street NW, Suite 520, Washington, DC 20006. - photo: labor leaders and union members turned out in force to support Vince Gray's candidacy announcement in March, 2010; photo by Johnnie Walker, AFGE 383 


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