WHC Nurses Continue Push For "Fair Contract"

Thursday, July 22, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Over 300 Nurses United members – who have been working without a contract since the end of June - rallied outside the Washington Hospital Center Monday, calling on management to bring “fair and reasonable” proposals to the bargaining table. “Nurses are not asking for pay increases, only to keep their pay where it is,” Nurses United of the National Capital Area Chief Steward Steven Frum told Union City. “Management is proposing drastic pay cuts and wants to take control of members' health care plans, insisting on having the right to make changes without any meaningful input from members.” He added, “Management also continues to bring unfair and unreasonable proposals to the table that nurses know will result in increasing staffing shortages and a lower quality of care. Monday’s picket was the first in a series of actions Nurses United will be taking to keep the pressure up on management until our members win a fair contract that preserves the high quality of care at the Washington Hospital Center.” – photo by Adam Wright


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