"Boycott The Reserve" Urge Restaurant Workers

Thursday, July 22, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Representatives from DC Jobs with Justice and community allies leafleted outside The Reserve on L Street, NW at noon yesterday, urging passersby to boycott the restaurant where workers are owed tens of thousands in back wages by owner Moe Hamdan. “Hamdan still refuses to pay his workers,” says DC JwJ Organizer Arturo Griffiths, “he is a thief! Not only has he ignored summonses by the DC Office of Wage and Hour, but has called police on workers who try to collect their pay.” Former employees and community supporters will leaflet every weekday until the end of the month; click here to sign up for a leafleting shift or email agriffiths@dclaborarchives.org for more information. – report/photo by Boaz Young-El, AFL-CIO Union Summer Intern


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