Labor To Host Reception For Gray

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Meet labor’s endorsed candidate for Mayor of the District of Columbia, Vince Gray, at a reception and fundraiser on Tuesday, July 27. "Labor will have an integral role in a Gray administration," said Gray in May, when the Metro Council endorsed him. "Union members are the life's blood of our communities and our economy. They deserve equal access and equal opportunity to development and the jobs created by development in our city." Calling Gray a “leader of, by and for the people,” Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO President Jos Williams told Union City, “In the challenging times that lie ahead, Vince's broad vision and deep community roots are just what the District needs to come together around a common agenda.” Make checks payable to "Vince Gray for Mayor" and bring them to the reception; maximum contribution is $2,000 per local, international or individual. Please RSVP to Alya Solomon: If you cannot attend, send your checks to the Metro Washington Council, AFL-CIO: 888 16th Street NW, Suite 520, Washington, DC 20006. - photo by Johnnie Walker, AFGE 383


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