Fish Fry Helps USDA Local Build Membership

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Whoever said there’s no such thing as a free lunch wasn’t at the USDA last Wednesday. Members of AFSCME 3925 – which represents the USDA Farm Services and Risk Management Agency’s employees -- enjoyed a free fish fry, as did their colleagues who signed up for the union that day. As part of the membership promotion, which Local 3925 president Trina Liddell said drew “A good turnout,” the local also held a raffle, which raised over $300 for the Community Services Agency; winners received gas cards, movie tickets, and restaurant and grocery store gift cards. The event was so successful that Liddell says “we plan on having another in October.” - Boaz Young-El, AFL-CIO Union Summer Intern


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