Inspiring & Mobilizing DC Nurses

Thursday, July 1, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Area nurses were "inspired and mobilized" by a labor relations seminar conducted last week by the DC Nurses Association. Thirty DCNA local leaders gathered for the annual training session led by Edward J. Smith, the union's staff attorney. "It was our most active labor relations seminar in years," Smith told Union City, noting that in addition to sessions on grievance procedures, collective bargaining and strategies for effectively addressing worksite problems, the training included well-received presentations by the Community Services Agency (CSA) and the Metro Washington Council. CSA's McKirchy outlined the agency's role in helping improve the lives of area workers by protecting workers rights, building coalitions and addressing social services needs, while Metro Council President Jos Williams focused on the role of workers in local politics, governance issues and the need for workers to be involved in transforming the city. DC labor-endorsed mayoral candidate Vincent Gray (center) -- who has an extensive background in DC social services -- also addressed the nurses, speaking on healthcare issues; DCNA had previously announced their endorsement of Gray on May 28. The session left participants feeling "mobilized and zealous to continue to push for major political changes in the District of Columbia," added Smith. - Lizet Ramirez, AFL-CIO Union Summer Intern; photo courtesy Ed Smith


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